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An e-shop dedicated to managing an academy offering memberships, training, certifications, and resources on tax law.


ADFPC is an academy dedicated to the distribution of certifications, the organization of conferences, and the provision of specialized resources on tax law. It aims to enhance the skills of professionals in accounting and law through practical training and tax guides, while offering a friendly environment for exchange and skill development.

Information on the customer's project

  • Sector of activity

    Education and professional training in tax law

Project objectives

After using a WordPress & WooCommerce-based e-shop for several years, ADFPC wanted to improve and centralize its various processes. Here are the main objectives of the project:

  • eBook management: Centralize the sale of eBooks and allow customers to view and download their encrypted eBooks from their member area.
  • Event management: Simplify the organization of events, including registration with the ITAA number and the ability to create event packs that group multiple sessions.
  • Membership management and member discounts: Offer affiliated members exclusive discounts and access to newsletters, ensuring that all benefits are easily accessible.
  • Email marketing: Optimize communication with all users, whether members or not, by sending newsletters and announcements about new publications or events efficiently to maximize conversion.

A centralized Odoo solution to simplify the management of a tax law academy.

The implemented solution

ADFPC chose the Odoo ERP for managing its website, eBooks, events, memberships, and email marketing. This integrated solution centralizes all operations and automates workflows, thereby improving the efficiency of marketing, administrative, and management processes.

  • Website

    ADFPC uses an e-shop website to promote and sell its products and events. This site centralizes information and transactions, offering a platform for users who benefit from a dedicated client area.

  • eBooks management

    For the sale of paper books and eBooks, we implemented a custom module allowing clients to view and download their encrypted eBooks from their member area. The eBooks (PDF) can be unlocked with a password.

  • Events management

    The ability to create event packs has been added, allowing for automatic registration to all included events. Events and training sessions are accessible through the member area.

  • Managing memberships and member discounts

    The system has been configured to ensure members have access to specific benefits and pricing, facilitating their engagement and loyalty.

  • Email marketing

    The Email Marketing module has been integrated to send newsletters and quickly inform thousands of users about new publications or events.

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