
A versatile strategy for the success of your digital projects

Building a coherent digital strategy and ecosystem is essential for the successful development of a project. At Sigmagency, we take the necessary time to develop a comprehensive strategy that is tailored to your project, taking into account your goals, needs, and expectations.

Digital Strategy

Before embarking on your digital transformation, it is essential to analyze and understand the environment around you. We want to learn more about you, your positioning, and your customers. Together, we define your needs, analyze your challenges, study your internal processes, and find the best digital solutions and tools to help you achieve your goals. This comprehensive report will provide valuable insights that will be useful in implementing an effective digital transformation strategy.

Defining your needs to differentiate yourself from your competitors.


Market analysis

We offer to conduct an audit to deeply analyze the environment in which your company operates. We study your market to identify current trends that could benefit you.


Competitive analysis

We also examine your competitors: what they are doing, where they are, and how they behave. This will allow you to identify your competitive advantage and differentiate yourself.



Having a strong positioning is essential to differentiate yourself from your competitors. In an increasingly connected world, it is important to stand out from the crowd.


Brand image

Your brand image is crucial for the success of a strong positioning. We integrate your values and identity to maintain consistency throughout your digital strategy.


After analyzing your environment, defining your positioning, and establishing a solid digital strategy, we proceed to create the initial sketches and drafts of your project. This step is crucial as it provides you with an overall vision and understanding of the structure of your project. We work with an agile methodology and iterate step by step through the development processes. This approach allows us to offer great flexibility in the smooth progression of your digital projects.

Building a cohesive plan


Requirements analysis

First, we establish the plan for your website based on your needs. Every business is unique and has specific requirements, so we adapt to each of our clients to provide them with a customized solution that meets their expectations.



Once your needs are identified, we work on the structure of your website. It is important that the structure is clear, understandable, and intuitive for your customers.



The wireframe serves as the prototype of your solution. Before its design, we create wireframes for each page to give you an initial visual and structural idea of how it will look.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial part of web development strategy. Often underestimated, a website with poor SEO can be compared to a store located outside commercial areas with a poorly indicated address. It may not be easily found, reducing its impact compared to competitors. Today, it is essential for your business to naturally appear among the top search results on various search engines.

Optimizing your content.


Semantic audit

We analyze the semantic field related to your business in order to include as many relevant keywords as possible in your content for search engine optimization purposes.


Keyword strategy

We develop a keyword strategy to optimize your content. This helps improve your organic search engine rankings and increase traffic to your website.


On-site SEO strategy

We integrate various elements into your content, as well as the more technical SEO criteria that reside within the code of your website.


Results analysis

We analyze and measure the results using Google Analytics to track the optimization of your SEO and understand the behavior of your visitors.

Digital Marketing

Sigmagency offers a comprehensive digital marketing service that caters to businesses looking to enhance their online presence and reach their target audience. We have a dynamic team that focuses on content creation, social media management, and email campaign creation. Our design team creates visuals that align with your company's brand identity for your marketing materials.

Improving your online presence.


Social media.

We take care of your social media by creating and managing your content for you. Together, we decide on the editorial direction to adopt based on your business.



We create email marketing campaigns to build customer loyalty. Your emails will be attractive and reflect your brand identity. We also analyze the results and your KPIs to continuously improve your communication.


Editorial calendar

In order to have consistent and regular communication, we establish an editorial calendar that allows you to organize and schedule your content on social media.



Feeling stuck and in need of inspiration to write your content? We're here to help. We can write texts for you based on your products and services to fuel your communication efforts.

Let's create together, with your mark.

Your satisfaction is important to us, but your real needs are even more important. Let's talk about it!

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